Harrison was 21 years old when the Longitude Act was passed. In view of the formidable obstacles, the expression “discovering the longitude” came to refer to any problem that seemed insurmountable. The Quest to Solve the “Longitude Problem” On October 22, 1707, a squadron of British naval ships sailed toward the English Channel. We take the origin to be the center of the earth and the positive z-axis to pass through the North Pole. If a ship didn't know how far to the east or west it had traveled, then it didn't know where land was likely to be, and the unexpected contiguity of land had a way of causing ships to sink with a frequent loss of human lives. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time October 1, 1996, Penguin (Non-Classics) in English Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time Surviving on Longitude and Latitude: One Woman’s Journey to Find Her Purpose Through Education and Exploration (English Edition) If an accurate catalogue of the positions of the stars could be made, and the position of the Moon then measured accurately relative to the stars, the Moon's motion could be used as a natural clock to calculate Greenwich Time. Given that (8 = 21.5, E--5.5 min) Find the Longitude and latitude given that Local Time Meridian - 135 9. "Anyone alive in the eighteenth century would have known that "the longitude problem" was the thorniest scientific dilemma of the day-and had been for centuries. If you find my answer helpful, doUPVOTE.Thanks The required C++ code is given below: #include