For use in the home or office. Their lights are contemporary, making Atom Lights a leading lighting supplier on the Australian market. The headlamp swivels 90° and has an adjustable focus from spotlight … FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE TO FIT THE MOOD - Featuring a 24-foot string of 12 low-energy LED bulbs spaced 1.9 feet apart which can be customized over 16 million ways! 15 bright LED lights per strip. The string will not go out, however, these LED lights have a 25,000 hour life so this …. AT9210. 2. remote works fine on my iPad but when put on hubby's I lose it on my iPad. It can be widely used in indoor and outdoor LED lighting, under-counter LED lighting, stair-case LED lighting, etc. Add To List Click to add item Patriot Lighting® 13' LED Smart Wi-Fi Tape Light to your list. (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? .b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-div{border-bottom:1px solid #e7e7e7}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table{width:100%}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table-td{padding-right:12px;border-right:1px solid #e7e7e7;white-space:nowrap}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table-td:nth-child(n+2){padding-left:12px}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table-td:last-child{border-right:0;width:100%}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-emphasized-text{display:none} Given OP's 300-LED, 5M strip that should have drawn 2A and his power supply should've been fine. .sims-vtph-currency{margin-right:2px;position:relative;top:-.6rem}.sims-vtph-cents{margin-left:2px;position:relative;top:-.6rem}.sims-vtph-price-badge{margin-left:5px}.sims-vtph-map-details{white-space:nowrap}div.sims-vtph-reviewstars{margin-bottom:0!important}.sims-vtp-hero-container .p13n-sc-carousel{margin:0!important}.hero-carousel-faceout 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Go to. Great quality. On the other hand, if an average LED string light set uses 10 watts, then 1440/10=144. * To view and modify this theme, visit AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js('|41fmMl99AkL.js,31TvpPRfM0L.js,31uJNuRzDwL.js,412aP1Dr1sL.js,31o16W7QV0L.js,31J+6PDV52L.js,21d13+Tny5L.js,21hDW1uFLaL.js,31oAl8dJC2L.js,31-OCg13E7L.js,21VrsMalOkL.js,41an5PE9auL.js,21pdIbKtrML.js,21TOBQCCRlL.js,11QA41hhYTL.js,31FEPkJ2EGL.js,311+NUiljjL.js,614fabqcx6L.js,21oUcDvi2cL.js,21ZbonpQxqL.js,21YblE14ZTL.js,11vP4mbHNqL.js,51imNdtsILL.js,31wKe4BkxuL.js,01wcltxKR5L.js,413RS2ilIUL.js,41lsoY3OhJL.js,518ChqzdRwL.js,61VQNfoGnYL.js,31I+7R+zMAL.js,01BDCOuZFIL.js,512yAjxeCrL.js,01hkseOXj6L.js,01KLVtMsu9L.js,01AUzbXZhcL.js,311A0yCIeJL.js,01iRN5bMQkL.js,51Y9MvTjTNL.js,01IC-gBKyYL.js,01XEEGOr+kL.js,01PQKs49DyL.js,51NhXDMUfgL.js,01y8JNON9+L.js,01T1PZDFmdL.js,01QHXKhSxjL.js,11eR+ycDKDL.js,01smU8QIJrL.js,01-wyMMibUL.js,019MkidFEWL.js,01gsBemrwzL.js,11UPXOQ6SHL.js,410zL4i3umL.js,51MRlKtUetL.js,11ZMtd+TvvL.js,31E0yPIOfyL.js,41+koKsvk3L.js,3181TZe9ypL.js,51l2ZrDdNAL.js,013YkX6C2QL.js,11TiyGjyy6L.js_.js?AUIClients/DetailPageMobileWebDefaultMetaAsset_asset_segregation_AOD_LATENCY_CLAWBACK_T1&'); # mobile.language-en.315290-T1.315331-T1.252279-T1.323159-T2.309776-T1.271591-T1 ' ) ; } ) ; ( window.AmazonUIPageJS 4 lights, USB rechargeable,! 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