Students should be prepared for courses in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, as well as clinical science courses specific to dental hygiene. Upon completion of the dental hygiene program, students are prepared to take the state and national licensing exams to become dental hygienists, they will have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to pass. A bachelor’s degree takes a total of four years and costs up to $73,110. Ohio State University offers a bachelor’s degree of science in dental hygiene, this particular program takes four years for students to complete. Find a dental school near you and get information about accredited dental hygiene programs, Monroe, MI. The Dental Hygiene programs at New York University provide an excellent academic foundation as well as strong clinical experience coupled with real-life opportunities to practice skills. Students learn through classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences to become confident and qualified oral healthcare professionals. The focus of this program is health promotion and disease prevention. To pass this exam students need to complete educational requirements and training at a dental hygienist school before taking the exam. The University of Michigan School of Dentistry offers a 2-year dental hygiene program to earn a Bachelor’s degree in dental hygiene. Awards … ")}),"undefined"!=typeof window&&!window.toggleTooltip){Element.prototype.matches||(Element.prototype.matches=Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector||Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector),Element.prototype.closest||(Element.prototype.closest=function(e){var t=this;do{if(t.matches(e))return t;t=t.parentElement||t.parentNode}while(null!==t&&1===t.nodeType);return null}),window.NodeList&&!NodeList.prototype.forEach&&(NodeList.prototype.forEach=Array.prototype.forEach);var P=function(e){if(!e)return!1;var t=window.innerWidth,n=e.getBoundingClientRect().left,i=t-(n+e.offsetWidth);return 275+10').concat(,"\n ")}).join(""),"\n ")}function D(e,t,n){var i=0'.concat(e,"\n ").concat({return'\n \n ').concat({return"\n